How Does it Work?
Enjoy the benefits of cleaner energy without having to install solar panels or wind turbines on your home. Signing up is easy and free!
Instead of installing a solar energy project on your property, you subscribe to a piece of our fuel cell farm. The energy we produce is divided among multiple participating customers, saving everyone money. Once you sign up and the fuel cell farm starts producing electricity, you’ll begin realizing savings on your monthly energy bill in the form of credits representing real dollars.
This opportunity is a result of a New York State program which in Long Island is administered by PSEG-LI. There are a limited number of available slots, so sign up today!
Limited Availability
We are currently 95% subscribed,
- 95%
*Once we are fully subscribed, we can no longer accept new customers

Our Community Fuel Cell Farm Adds Electricity to Your Utility’s Grid
Community Power LI works directly with your utility company to connect our fuel cell farm to the local grid.

You Enroll in a Community Power Subscription
Once you sign up for our program, the utility distributes the energy from our fuel cell farm to you in the form of an on-bill energy credit.

You Reduce Your Electric Bill with Energy Credits
The energy credits are applied to your monthly electric bill and you save 10% while helping Long Island shift to cleaner energy.
Who can benefit?
Residential homeowners and renters on Long Island
Will see their electric bills reduced each month by 10 percent. There are no installation costs or sign-up fees: just sign up and you’ll begin benefiting from cleaner, cheaper power.
Commercial building owners on Long Island
Facing a challenging economy and costs imposed by energy-draining buildings, Community Power LI’s program can unlock predictable 10% savings for non-demand commercial utility customers and demonstrate a commitment to a cleaner energy future.
Nonprofit & Community Organizations on Long Island
Lock in 10% savings themselves and fundraise with us as an affiliate to bring 10% electricity to your staff, supporters, and volunteers.
Sustainability Benefits
CO2 Reductions
58,080,000 lbs/yr
NOx | SO2 Reductions
111,550 lbs/yr | 42,705 lbs/yr
Water Reductions
2,106 M gals/yr
Equivalent to:

CO2 emissions from:
29,118,300 pounds
of coal burned

Greenhouse gas emissions from:
5,729 passenger vehicles
driven for one year

Carbon sequestered by:
32,277 acres of U.S
forests in one year
Sustainability benefits compare Bloom emissions to the emissions of the marginal gas-fired generator on the grid. Uses Bloom emissions assumption of 818 lbs of Co2/MWh (based on historical data)
Source: EPA eGRID 2018.
CEC Water Use Factor: Page 41, Table 12 –
Equivalency Data:
Recent Press
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What is community distributed generation?
Community Distributed Generation (CDG), is a New York State program which makes cleaner energy accessible to more people. Renters, co-op/condo owners, business owners and homeowners all have an equal opportunity to save money without installing solar panels on their roof or property. The energy produced by a large CDG project is divided among multiple participating customers, saving everyone money. Private companies develop and construct CDG projects on Long Island, and then residents can subscribe to a project to receive energy credits, which reduce the cost of their own PSEG Long Island electric bill. CDG is great for anyone who wants to save money each month but doesn’t want to or cannot install solar panels on their own property.
Where is the project located?
The community power fuel cell farm powering our program is located in Melville, New York.
How long does my Community Power subscription run? Can I cancel it at any time, or must it run its subscription?
If I move, does the Community Power subscription come with me?
If you move within the same utility zone, you can still be part of the project—just let us know so we can make the changes to your account. If you move to a different utility zone, you’ll unfortunately have to cancel your subscription.
How exactly does fuel cell power technology work?
Our fuel cell projects generate highly reliable and resilient cleaner electric power for the Long Island electric grid. Fuel cells convert fuels — such as hydrogen, natural gas, or biogas — into electricity through an electrochemical process without combustion. Since no combustion is required, our projects provide substantial environmental benefits as compared to traditional power generation.
I own an apartment building. Is there an easy way that I can switch all of my tenants over to Community Power or must they do it individually?
If your building is master metered, we can easily switch all of your tenants over. If your tenants are individually metered with their own utility accounts, they will have to subscribe individually. We work with landlords in both situations to bring this benefit to their tenants. Please call us at 855-720-2701 and we can work with you to subscribe your building.
Can I go back to my previous payment plan with PSEG-LI?
If for whatever reason you wish to cancel your subscription, just give us 60-days’ notice so we can find someone else to take your spot. You will automatically go back to your previous payment plan with PSEG-LI.
Under the Community Power program, which company will send electric bills to me?
Both. Each month, your PSEG Long Island electric bill will have energy credits assigned to it, lowering the amount you have to pay. Just like having solar panels installed on your home, your portion of the energy generated from the community fuel cell facility will appear on your PSEG electricity bill as net energy credit, and any excess generation will be banked on your PSEG account and used for future billing. Community Power LI will send you an additional bill for the credits allocated to your PSEG-LI bill. We will charge you 90% of the value of those credits, saving you 10% off your electricity costs.
If I sign up as part of a promotion, when will the promotion be fulfilled?
All promotions are fulfilled within two weeks of receipt of the first billing cycle.
How do I sign up?
Have a recent utility bill ready, complete your signup form with basic information including your name, phone number and zip code, and you’ll be supporting local greener energy in no time. If you have any questions, email us at or call us at 855-720-2701.
PSEG-LI bills me bimonthly. Will that change as a member?
Yes. If you’re currently billed bimonthly, you will be moved to monthly billing after the project is constructed and live.
Ready to get started saving?
About Community Power LI
Community Power LI’s management team has deep expertise in clean energy, New York State & Long Island policy, operations, and New York real estate. Each of its principals has more than ten years of experience in the clean energy sector in New York State.
Community Power LI has the stamp of approval of the Community Development Corporation of Long Island (CDCLI), a regional non-profit organization founded in 1969 by government, business, and civic leaders on Long Island who came together to address the growing demand for affordable housing. That strong tri-sector support continues today and the organization provides a variety of programs and services that address the dynamic challenges faced by those who live and work on Long Island, including savings from clean energy.
Additionally, LI Community Power has developed strategic relationships and exclusive agreements to provide the emerging market for distributed generation and energy storage with the products and services which will represent a new paradigm in the way electric energy is delivered and used in our nation’s homes and commercial properties.